Friday, February 5, 2010

Should I call the police on my neighbor for making false accusations about Obama?

You can call whoever you want, but in case you haven't heard, your neighbor has a thing called a first amendment right to free speech. That right gives him the right to say anything he wants about a presidential candidate.Should I call the police on my neighbor for making false accusations about Obama?
You mean for libel? I think Obama would have to do that, assuming he cared what your neighbor thought, or anyone for that matter.

Plus it's a civil matter so no the police won't do anything.Should I call the police on my neighbor for making false accusations about Obama?
You're intimating that Obama would employ thought police to stifle his political enemies. I get it. Please see Pushed Back to Center's response at the top.
Every time the police have to respond to stupid things like this time is being taken from someone who's life is on the line...NO! Write about your neighbor in your diary and get over it.
Oh please. The police have more important things to deal with. Maybe they should go bust some drug dealers or kiddie rapists instead of dealing with this crap.
Yeah.. that'll go a long way towards creating relationships with your neighbors..

Give me a break.. Get thicker skin..

Go McCain
Should I call the police on everyone on this website that says lies about McCain?
You should call your neighbor and than him for knocking some sense into you.
yes, call the police, I'm sure they could use a good laugh.
I sure hope that you don't watch any political ads!
Ummmmm.....NO! That would be stupid and a waste of time.....and I am sure nobody cares!
Do it ... Do it.. I dare ya !! cmon...

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