Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why are our supposed leaders (insert laughter) so back-cringingly false and fake but no one gets it?

the aren't you got no sence of realism here they just do a job damn are you retared or some crap get some help haha (insert laughter)Why are our supposed leaders (insert laughter) so back-cringingly false and fake but no one gets it?
Oh I reckon a lot of people get it. But what can be done? The Vote? Change one idiotic, upper-class, detached, dishonest, hypocritical, perverted, vindictive group of people for another idiotic, upper-class, detached, dishonest, hypocritical, perverted, vindictive group of people? Like a record player, spin me right round, right round...Why are our supposed leaders (insert laughter) so back-cringingly false and fake but no one gets it?
Lots of people get it. Consider how many people refuse to vote because they know all the leaders are clowns. Democracy is dependent on an informed society, and when you consider most people are ignorant naive fools, it's no surprise our leaders are fools too.

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