Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is this true or false The Sumerians used an 8 month Calendar?

click on the link..... hope this helps鈥?/a>Is this true or false The Sumerians used an 8 month Calendar?

Years consisted of twelve lunar months of 29 or 30 days. To keep the lunar year (354 days) in step with the solar year, the lugal (king) decreed the addition of an intercalary or extra month to the Sumerian calendar every three years or so.

In Sumerian times, the year began after harvest time, in September/October. Later, Babylonians moved the start of the calendar year to spring.Is this true or false The Sumerians used an 8 month Calendar?
The Sumerians of Babylon were probably the first people to make a calendar. They used the phases of the moon, counting 12 lunar months as a year. To make up for the difference between this year and the year of the seasons, they inserted an extra month in the calendar about every four years.

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