Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where do Liberals get the false idea that health care is a right?

they have been taught that everything they desire is a 'right'.Where do Liberals get the false idea that health care is a right?
We DON'T think it's a ';right';. We think that practically every OTHER industrialized nation in the world covers all of it's citizens, and America, the greatest country in the world should be able to match that. Knowledgeable people also know that the 40 Million uninsured people in this country, that use the ER as their personal physician or that suffer from diseases that could be prevented if they had health care cost the country, MUCH more than Universal Coverage would ever cost. And, lastly, we know that compassion to fellow human beings pays back dividends in the long run. These are all things that apparently YOU still need to learn.Where do Liberals get the false idea that health care is a right?
It's an emotional argument. If one were to argue against this thought, their next move is to make you look heartless and try to guilt trip you into accepting universal health care.

Health care has nothing in common with our existing rights other than the fact that it is something people might want. But rights are not about what we want, rather what we are entitled to as individuals. None of the other rights costs $. The 2nd amendment gives me the right to bear arms, it does not require the government to purchase one and supply me with it.
Maybe from the same place conservatives get the false idea that marriage is a right, and one they feel obliged to ';protect'; from gays joining. or, why do conservatives think they have spread democracy, peace, and stability to Iraq... and that all of that was sooooo worth our tax money. Stupid.

You couldn't define human rights if your very life depended on it. Go live in China, you won't have to pay hardly anything for others' medical care, other than the leaders.
They have been taught to ignore facts. How about their take on taxes (lies) and the meltdown? Democrats blocked reform at Fannie Mae, and they refuse to even watch Barney Frank's statements and the Democrat after Democrat opposing reforms! Then they accuse Bush of pushing Laissez Faire economics despite his Treasury Secretary being shot down by Democrats. This country is being lied to, and the Liberals are leading the charge.

Greedy GOP? See the above answer? Here are the statistics that the Left loves to ignore so they can repeat their rhetoric. Keep in mind that the top 5% will pay most of the bill. What is left for people who already get nailed in taxes? Pure Socialism where everyone makes the same after taxes? Why bother going to college?鈥?/a>

Health Care reform is needed, but why do they want the government to run it? Because other people will have to pay for it, and because everything the government does is so less expensive and efficient.

Here is his plan in his own words. When you watch it, ask yourself if the major Networks have ever covered these speeches.鈥?/a>

I don't know why I provide links. They never bother to investigate anything that their emotions feel is wrong.
Because they don't know a word of the constitution after the first amendment....

Nowhere does it say that the federal government has a right to provide health care. It doesn't even say that they can bail out anyone, but the government is doing it anyway.

Why is education a right? How dare they insist that knowledge and free access to your future is a right! You should have to pay for your intelligence, and anyone who can't afford it should be forced to work at McDonalds since they're obviously stupid!

Why isn't it a right? Please tell me, why should we damn those who aren't as fortunate as us to death and punishment just because they can't afford the overly pricey doctor bills? And Conservatives call themselves the moral party?

No seriously, I'm going to make a question on that.
i wonder that myself. (lol) The thing is that if you REALLY try and get health care you can. There are many state ran, and other government ran things that help people to make payments. (grr pisses me off)

We are going to have a Bad government ran health care soon. like france and Canada. :(

Liberals think everything they want is a right. Gay marriage, fed funding for arts, public television, cars that get 400 miles to the gallon, time machines, you name it, they want it.
Because it is a right in every other industrialised country in the world...

Oh yeah, I must have forgot that you guys think that every other industrialised country in the world is ran by filthy commies...
Because in the land of free everything it is wonderful.

Well until the bills come due. My guess it would be growing up in the entitlement society ours has become.
every other western democracy has it

why is the rule of law





it is the minimum Standard for a western democracy
From the same place as every other liberal right.

Whenever they want something, in their dope-rigged minds they think it's their right to have it.
Liberals believe that those who work should have to pony up for the DNC's lazy supporters who don't want to get off their *** or stop collecting welfare checks.
Health care = life.

Life should not be a commodity. Where do RWnuts get the false idea that everything is a commodity?
because they think that by ';helping'; everyone else, that they will ';feel'; better about themselves.
We don't. I thought it was an expense that is choking American businesses and families.
Etcetera said it best.
a right is whatever the people decide it is
Not sure....boggles my mind!!

now the greedy GOP wants to continue the FAILED

health care system, NO ONE HAS HEALTH CARE CLOWN

what part of that dont you understand?
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