Take a look at the graph they use on the Wikipedia Global Warming page. If you look at the peak temperature in 1998 and draw the line, global temperature as measured by 3 different sources, all indicate a downward trend. Notice though, how they draw the line? This is data fraud people. They are hiding the downward trend of the last 11 years of global temperature data. They lie!!!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Satell…Why do global whiners keep using this data fraud to support their false claims?
';Despite recent fluctuations in global temperature year to year, which fueled claims of global cooling, a sustained global warming trend shows no signs of ending, according to new analysis by the World Meteorological Organization made public on Tuesday.
The decade of the 2000s is very likely the warmest decade in the modern record, dating back 150 years, according to a provisional summary of climate conditions near the end of 2009, the organization said.
The period from 2000 through 2009 has been “warmer than the 1990s, which were warmer than the 1980s and so on,” said Michel Jarraud, the secretary general of the international weather agency, speaking at a news conference at the climate talks in Copenhagen.
The international assessment largely meshes with interim analysis by the National Climatic Data Center and NASA in the United States, both of which independently estimate global and regional temperature and other weather trends.
Mr. Jarraud also said that 2009, with some uncertainty because several weeks remain, appears to be the fifth warmest year on record.';Why do global whiners keep using this data fraud to support their false claims?
I don't know but you might want to ask the people in Colorado and Iowa what they think. They are experiencing blizzard conditions with temperatures below freezing.
The King is in the Altogether, the Altogether.
Bastards have been found out.
Joke is all the numpties believed the charlatans when they lied about AGW, now the scientists have told the world in effect We lied'; the believers still believe the lies!
Just listen to these people speak at the global warming....oops I mean climate change conference. They sound like evangelical preachers. ';I say it's been getting warmer and I have this graph to prove it. We're all doomed, doomed. Thank you';.
It's ridiculous. Well, I gotta run and start working on figuring out my water vapor footprint now.
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